What is Organic Search?

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Organic Search

What is Organic Search?


Organic search means results returned by a search query from a browser, and this does not include paid ads. Initially, google analytics coined the term organic search. So it shows the free organic traffic channel created by the search engines towards the beginning of google search results.

As a result, organic search results are decided based on many ranking factors. In return, you have to play with the relevance of the user query. Backlinks, domain authority, device, user location, and many different factors also play a significant role.

Likewise, its efficiency is also conclusive for the conversion marketing results on a website. This is because, through conversion strategies, you can increase your traffic and, consequently, get more sales from your business.

How Does Organic Search Traffic Work?

Search engines often have a list of measures to rank sites and web pages on their SERPs for different keywords. Google, for example, has more than 200 measures. Of course, some are more crucial than others. But most of these can be totaled up in 4 critical qualification criteria, namely:

  • Relevance: How relevant and accurate is your content for the user?
  • The Quality of the content: How good is the content for the user?
  • Authority: How reliable is your Page in the eyes of Google?
  • User experience: ease of use and users’ feeling when they use your website.

All we can say is your website content should match the requirements of users organic and meet most of the above criteria. Then, Google considers your content tremendous and ranks it high on the search results. And then, users will find it when they search the keyword and click on it. That is your organic traffic.

So what is the task? First, enhance the website’s content to appear in the search results. These are changes made to improve, among other elements, the number of clicks or CTR of your website.

What are the Benefits of Boosting this Type of Search?

To execute this work, you can perform SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on your own. You can also use the accompaniment of an external agency. In both cases, organic searches will bring the following benefits:

  • It attracts an accurate and specific audience. When your target audience finds your content organically, they seek something unique. So, your content is tailored to their needs.
  • It gives you a competitive advantage. If your website is optimized to appear organically above other search results, especially your competitors, you are considered “better” than them.
  • Promote sustainable traffic. It can take time to achieve good organic rankings (approximately 6-12 months). But, once you get those rankings, it takes less work to maintain them.
  • It has high conversion rates. Traffic driven by SEO metrics has a higher conversion than outbound advertising, such as ads on social media.

How to Improve Using Organic Search?

First, we must warn you that Google constantly changes its rules. However, this does not mean there is no way to take advantage of it. On the contrary, strategies are superfluous.

Define Your Keywords
Your primary goal should be to lock in a high organic ranking for your most trending and relevant keywords. First, consider how people would search for your services and products, and make a list of these keywords. Now you can check the competition and traffic for each term with tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs or others tools.

The Quality of the Content
It is always vital to write good-quality content that attracts attention and motivates visitors to share it. Good content has the best chance of going viral, and Google always rewards viral content in its ranking algorithm.

Update the Old Content
To add a boost, one of the essential ranking features using an organic search on Google browser is the recentness of your content. Therefore, the more up-to-date your pages are, the better their chance of reaching the top of the SERP.

Eliminate pages that do not add value
How can you check this? Check that the pages that should be deleted meet many of the following criteria:

  • It does not contain backlinks
  • The page is ranked for the keyword that is irrelevant to the audience.
  • The page can be old or not trending.
  • It has a high bounce rate.

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