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HTTP Status Code

What is HTTP Status Code?

Introduction HTTP status code is the server code to respond to a browser request. For example, when you try to open a website, the browser sends a request to your site server, and then the site server responds to the browser in three words, HTTP status code. The status code [...]

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Link Metrics

Link Metrics

Introduction Link metrics is the term that refers to the criteria for ranking search results. They show the position of any web page on the world wide web and include some measures of domain authority, trust and relevancy. It is a process of measuring websites not by how their web [...]

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Leverage your Website

How can you Leverage your Website?

Introduction Leverage your Website: Leveraging your website is a must when doing online since most businesses are shifting from traditional to online. This may sound overwhelming, but you must learn many strategies to run your business online. Organizing your plans according to your goals and practical techniques can lead to [...]

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What is Crawl Errors?

Introduction Crawl errors are problems search engines encounter when they try to access your pages. Crawl errors can also mention in a report in the inheritance version of Google Search Console. The crawl error report has two main sections: Site errors: These errors stop Googlebot from accessing your entire website. [...]

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Email Marketing

Email Marketing

Introduction Email marketing is doing business directly through email, including digital marketing. You can use it to promote your business’s products and services. It makes everything easier for customers, like they get direct notifications of your new launches, offers and other things by integrating it into your marketing automation efforts. [...]

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Content Strategy Template

Content Strategy Template

Introduction Content strategy template to bring mastery to content production and delivery. The template helps teams streamline content strategy, display, and channels, creating a more significant impact and enabling teams to collaborate better. This template is a map of your content strategy, where you have all the information about your [...]

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Spam Score

Spam Score

Introduction A spam score is defined as the percentage of sites with similar features that are penalized or banned by google. It is based on machine learning, identifying 27 standard features among a million penalized websites. The score is a percentage depending on how much the website is penalized. The [...]

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SEO Automation Tools

SEO Automation Tools

SEO Automation tools: There are so many SEO tools to choose from, but having defined objectives will allow you to choose the one that relatively suits the site’s needs, so we bring you some of the most profitable SEO automation tools. Keep reading to learn more about SEO automation tools. [...]

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International SEO

International SEO

Introduction International SEO is a process where you want to make your website international with some technical aspects. It will also help you understand global competitiveness issues, allowing you to plan your digital strategy and analyze the competition before expanding your business. International SEO can also be defined as Geolocation [...]

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Hidden Text

Hidden Text

Introduction Hidden text is one of the challenges for search engines and web admins. Spammers use hidden text to stuff keywords on their web pages for artificial intelligence to improve their ranking position. Search engine figures this out and takes appropriate actions. However, one of the major drawbacks is that [...]

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